Taiba’s new residence

Taiba’s mother Sarmina goes out for work every morning as a traditional healer. Little Taiba who is now 18 months old, roams around all day with her aunt Asmina. She takes care of Taiba’s every activity, be it her food or her hygiene. Asmina ensures that Taiba always gets safe drinking water, washes her hands with soap and remains cleansed even after playing all day long.

Taiba is cheerfully running around in the courtyard of their new house, made of corrugated iron sheets. Her old home was a simple wooden hut. It looked like the boathouses that Taiba’s nomadic Bede community used to live in, before moving to the river shore. Since Max Foundation started working with the community, more and more families are constructing shining new homes, just like Taiba’s family. The houses are more spacious and less damp, offer more walking space and better air quality. Taiba’s community realizes that their living environment was not so healthy, nor very hygienic. They are encouraged by the Community Health Promoter of Max Foundation to create a healthier environment for their children. And so they are taking several initiatives, one at a time to further improve their living conditions.

By eliminating the unhygienic hanging toilets at the river shore, the community has built the first proper latrine, which is shared by the women and children. They are keen to keep the latrine, trying to change their habits by using water, wearing separate sandals inside the latrine, using soap to wash hands afterwards.

For Taiba, these changes have a visible, positive impact. Taiba’s health has improved and she is now moderately stunted. While coming back home everyday from work, mother Sarmina brings nutritious fruits for her little one. Hopefully these small initiatives eventually will bring about huge improvements in the lives of Taiba and her mother, and all the others. Follow Taiba and see what her community does to secure a safe and healthy future generation.