WB Diagnostic of WASH & Poverty in Bangladesh

In the report ‘Promising Progress; A Diagnostics of Water Supply, Sanitation, Hygiene, and Poverty in Bangladesh’ (2018), the World Bank notes that the vast majority of Bangladeshis still live in environments plagued by inadequate water supply, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) that hinder the country’s overall development. The report found that 41% of the improved water sources is infected by E. Coli bacteria, suggesting a high prevalence of fecal contamination.

Urgent actions need to be taken to further improve the quality of water and sanitation to ensure progress in social and economic development. WASH is a cornerstone to development. Unsafe water and poor sanitation are linked to nutritional disadvantages in early childhood, resulting in stunting, that can hold back a country’s potential.

Click Here for the report

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