Annual Report of Growing Up Up Up

Max Foundation is getting closer to their goal in creating a stunting free village day by day. Working in two unions of Chhatak Upazila where the previous rate of stunting among children was intolerably high(about 72% in the year 2018), the project successfully achieved significant results as 43% of the children are now growing up healthy. The project, targeting around 47,000 beneficiaries in hard to reach areas, ended up having a 10,000 additional beneficiaries covered by community mobilization.

The Growing UpUpUp project is working to improve childhood nutritional status with an integrated approach of WASH, Nutrition, and SRHR. targeting to create awareness among people and stimulate improvements in these arenas.

The project has achieved  significant results in the previous year. Besides the important downfall in the stunting rate, around 5000 children are being regularly monitored and measured on height and weight. More than 30,000 people now have access to improved latrines and safe water. And all these improvements are not only done by the project implementers, but a huge contribution came from the beneficiaries end. For every $1 spent by the project, about $10 are spent by the beneficiaries. This proves people are changing their behaviour, once they are being more aware about their children’s health. However, challenges still remain. Instilling real behaviour change an achieving sustainable impact is time consuming. Though knowledge regarding SRHR and Safe Motherhood is being imparted, a minority of people still lacks awareness in this regard.

In the coming year, Max Foundation aims to keep  its achievements going up up up.


See the report here

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