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Category: Research

Global Hunger Index 2019

The Global Hunger Index (GHI) is designed to measure hunger at global, regional, and national levels. Global Hunger Index helps to calculate progress and setbacks annually, which is very important to combat hunger strategically. GHI helps to raise awareness and provides an overview to understand the struggle of hunger globally.  It offers a comparison of…

Category: Research

Global Childhood report 2019

To commemorate its hundred anniversary Save the Children has published its third annual Global Childhood report. Overall the conditions of children regarding health, education, and safety are improving in 173 out of 176 countries, including Bangladesh. The number of children who are robbed of a childhood, because of mortality, malnutrition, child marriage, child labour, teenage…

Category: Research

Annual Report of Growing Up Up Up

Max Foundation is getting closer to their goal in creating a stunting free village day by day. Working in two unions of Chhatak Upazila where the previous rate of stunting among children was intolerably high(about 72% in the year 2018), the project successfully achieved significant results as 43% of the children are now growing up…

Category: Research

Report on the water quality test

Arsenic contamination has been threatening the country’s public health from a very long time. This contamination spreads through ground water which is excavated by shallow and deep tube-wells. The country has an estimated 10 million shallow tube wells, with 140 million inhabitants preferring these well water. Approximately one-third of the country is highly impacted by…

Category: Research

Antenatal care in rural Bangladesh

Antenatal care (ANC) is surely one of the most important components during pregnancy. This essential care allows women to be diagnosed during their pregnancies so they learn to know about the possible complications and can accordingly receive proper treatment accordingly. Proper ANC reduces the chances of maternal and neonatal mortality and supports the birth of…

Category: Research

Milk Consumption Helps in Reducing Child Stunting

Child undernutrition can be linked with various outcomes - child death, impaired cognitive development in early childhood, reduced school attainment, lower labour productivity and lower wage earning. For a child growth, it is essential to have complementary foods with high quality protein and micronutrients, such as rice, wheat, maize or starchy roots and tubers. Research…

Category: Research

Global Hunger Index: One in Three Bangladeshi Children Face Growth Issues

Although it is improving, Bangladeshi’s hunger and undernutrition situation remains troubling. Its 2018 GHI score is 26.1, which is considered ‘serious’ and ranks Bangladesh 86th out of 119 developing world countries. While child stunting has decreased in recent years, it remains a pressing concern (see table 4.1). This seems to be related to the nutrition…

Category: Newsletter

Newsletter – 4 October 2019

Welcome to the second newsletter of Growing Up Up Up, a project run by Max Foundation to fight stunted growth, creating a healthy environment, Stunting Free Village. Find the full newsletter here

Category: Newsletter

Newsletter – 3 June 2019

Welcome to the third newsletter of Growing Up Up Up, a project run by Max Foundation to fight stunted growth, creating a healthy environment, Stunting Free Village. Find the full newsletter here