Research And Publications

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Category: Research

KIT Led Evaluation of “Growing UpUpUp!” Project

A baseline study in Noarai and Islampur unions of Chhatak Upazilla under Sunamganj was carried out between April and June 2017 using a mixed method approach consisting of a household survey, focus group discussions and key informant interviews. The results of this baseline study are presented in this report and are part of the health…

Category: Research

WB Diagnostic of WASH & Poverty in Bangladesh

In the report ‘Promising Progress; A Diagnostics of Water Supply, Sanitation, Hygiene, and Poverty in Bangladesh’ (2018), the World Bank notes that the vast majority of Bangladeshis still live in environments plagued by inadequate water supply, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) that hinder the country's overall development. The report found that 41% of the improved water…

Category: Research

Why Stunting Matters – Policy Brief

Kathryn G. Dewey and Khadija Begum published a policy brief in Alive and Thrive Technical Brief of FHI 360 in 2010 titled ‘Why Stunting Matters’. The authors highlighted the importance and consequences of a common yet unrecognized problem of stunting. This policy brief explained how to measure stunting with a table based on different countries.…

Category: Research

Evidence-based Research KIT to Provide Valuable Data for Max Foundation

Max Foundation strives to eradicate stunting by introducing an innovative, integrated multi-sector approach in their pilot project Growing UpUpUp. To measure the impact of the interventions, Max Foundation invited the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) to test the effect of integrated approaches on stunting reduction with evidence found in project Growing UpUpUp.   KIT developed a…

Category: Research

WHO Policy Brief on Stunting

The WHO stunting policy brief summarises stunting as being one of the most significant impediments of human development in both short and long term. In the short time, there is child mortality and morbidity. In the long term, there is poor cognitive, motor, and language development. The direct causes of stunting in underage children are…

Category: Research

Under-nutrition Maps in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has made significant progress in education and economic advancement, but stunting is still an unresolved issue resulted in huge economic loss. To improve the nutrition condition, it is vital to understand the geographical and spatial variation of stunting in the country. With the financial contribution of International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Bangladesh Bureau…

Category: Newsletter

Newsletter – 1 August 2018

Welcome to the first newsletter of Growing Up Up Up, a project run by Max Foundation to fight stunted growth, creating a healthy environment, Stunting Free Village. Find the full newsletter here