
Taiba was born in August 2017 in Bejapara, the village where her mother Sarmina (19) grew up. Taiba lives with her mother and maternal family in a hut close to the river. They are part of the Bede community, a nomadic ethnic group of snake charmers and healers. Here women go out to cure people with massages and homemade balsam, while the men work as snake charmers often in distant places.

As a six-month-old baby Taiba was measured as severely stunted by Max Foundation (MF). Taiba’s mother and neighbours are now encouraged to create a healthy environment for their children. How? Follow Taiba and see what happens to secure a safe and healthy future generation.


Royan is busy exploring the courtyard and garden, dribbling around cheerfully since he is able to walk. Since his birth in December 2016, he is the center of attention of his extended family of 15. They all live together in one big house. Royan’s mother runs the household with her sisters-in-law, while Royan’s father manages his nearby tailor shop and his brothers work at their farm and a cement factory.

When Royan was first measured by Max Foundation, he was 16 months old. Upon hearing Royan was too small for his age or moderately stunted, his family immediately started taking measures to improve their hygienic habits. Follow Royan and see how Max Foundation supports the family to create a healthy environment for the whole community.


Jibon is the youngest of three children of a family, born in August 2017. His father, a daily labourer, leaves the house early morning to provide for the family. Jibon’s mother is kept busy at home, running the household, sending the two older children to the madrassa school, and looking after Jibon.

Jibon was only 7 months old when Max Foundation measured him, noting that he was severely stunted. The family wasn’t aware of his condition, nor had sufficient knowledge about hygiene and a healthy upbringing of kids. With the support of Max Foundation the family strives for a cleaner and safer environment. How? Follow Jibon and see how his family and community are creating a healthy and a stunting free village.